Defect Elimination: Left to Right & Right to Left
Defect Elimination (DE) has long been an essential part of achieving and sustaining asset reliability and continued business improvement.
The aim of defect elimination is to eliminate the defect by applying the “fix forever, not forever fixing” mantra by resisting the urge to apply a temporary fix to the defect. My intention for writing this book is to provide a structured approach for those looking to implement a defect elimination program and present two options for executing the defect elimination process. As a young engineer early in my career, I lacked an appropriate syllabus for starting a defect elimination program, which resulted in many hiccups, bumps and missed opportunities along the way. This book is meant to act as a guide and give you options for how you and your organization want to develop a defect elimination road map. Defect elimination gives you the power to make your day as predictable as the next by achieving defect-free days, one after the other.